Welcome to learn about User Experience👋. First and foremost, let me give you a small introduction and walk you through the agenda to get a narrow idea of what will be gonna covered in this article.
This article will give you a firm grasp of what user experience is, why we UX designers should care about it, how design thinking affects user experience, and last but least you will be introduced to what is meant by user-centred design as well.
User Experience can be defined as a person perception and response that result from the use or anticipated use of a product system or service. In other words or in simpler terms you can say User experience (abbreviated as UX) is how a person feels when interfacing with a system.
The term User Experience is applied to all sorts of emotion such as positive, negative, and neutral which are whilst interacting with the computer system and user interface. Therefore the aim or the goal of UX is to bring the users to the centre of the designer thinking to ensure that the products meet the user’s needs.
User experience design is a vast, multidisciplinary and fascinating field that process that design teams use to create product that provide meaningful relevant experience to users. This involves the design of the entire proces of acquire integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function. The term User Experience is applied to all sorts of emotions such as positive, negative and neutral which are whilst interacting with the computer system & user interfaces. Therefore the aim or the goal of UX is to bring the users to the centre of the designer thinking to ensure that the products meet the user’s needs.